Our Attorneys

Richard M. Frankel

Of Counsel

Mr. Richard M. Frankel served for more than 25 years in public service, the majority of his career with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Serving as Of Counsel at Ruskin Moscou Faltischek P.C., Richard is a member of the firm’s Cybersecurity and Data Privacy, Crisis Management, Health Law, International, White Collar Crime & Investigations, and Blockchain Technology and Digital Asset practice groups.

A recognized authority in complex investigations, asset recovery, cyber issues and crisis management, Frankel also provides regular insight on terrorism, criminal and intelligence related matters. He has extensive experience in understanding as well as investigating complex coordinated attacks.

Mr. Frankel led several FBI field divisions as the Special Agent In-Charge. In this capacity Mr. Frankel oversaw criminal investigations, as well as undercover and tactical operations, while actively working to lead organizational transformational efforts to transition to a threat-based, intelligence-led operating posture. Mr. Frankel also directed multi-agency initiatives and major response to threats against persons and property, while developing extensive liaison programs through outreach to entities in the public, private, academic and non-profit sectors, as well as with community groups.

Mr. Frankel is also Chief Executive Officer of a strategic crisis management, intelligence and security advisory firm dedicated to helping clients, financially and physically, mitigate exposure and minimize loss by integrating technology with specialist knowledge, including human and deep source intelligence, by combining open source cyber and surveillance intelligence in order to address current and emerging threats to multinational corporations, governments, and non-governmental organizations as well as private individuals across four main areas: intelligence, counter-terrorism, cyber security, and critical infrastructure protection.

In addition, Mr. Frankel served as the Associate Director of National Intelligence and Senior FBI Representative to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence with the responsibility for overseeing and managing domestic intelligence relationships. Mr. Frankel was the principal liaison with external entities and advised the Director on all issues related to the intelligence relationship between the Intelligence Community and its Domestic Partners. In this position, Mr. Frankel worked to increase interaction and cooperation between the law enforcement community and the greater Intelligence Community as it related to identifying and working against cyber threats.

A graduate of Ithaca College, Quinnipiac Law School and several Senior Executive programs, Richard’s government service began as Assistant District Attorney for Suffolk County, New York.