The OCB is Opening the Floodgates to Cannabis License Applicants
In this episode of Cannabiz New York, Elizabeth Kase, Esq. and Hon. Jerry Kremer, two recognized leaders in the cannabis industry, discuss the breadth and impact of an important meeting in Albany that occurred on July 20 between the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) and the Cannabis Control Board.
Key points discussed:
* The number of card licenses granted has expanded from 150 to 463. Congrats to three of Elizabeth’s clients who were recently granted licenses!
* Despite the nearing 500 licenses, to date (at the time of this episode’s recording), only around 20 licenses have been used to open dispensaries.
* License holders continue to face obstacles in finding locations.
* License holders continue to face obstacles in funding their businesses.
* An emergency bill was introduced to save cannabis growers who have product ready to sell but not enough sellers to sell it.
* Later in the summer or earlier in the fall, the types of licenses will be widened to include all different types of licenses and will be available to non-card applicants and any other social equity applicant who was not able to join into the first round.
* How the real losers in all the obstacles in front of opening cannabis retail business are the taxpayers who are losing all of the tax revenue dollars
Tune into our next episode where we will talk about the kinds of licenses that you can apply for and we’ll present a recap of what the law is from the standpoint of who and what can gain a license.
About the Cannabiz New York Podcast:
The Cannabiz New York podcast gives a behind-the-scenes look at the cannabis business. Two recognized leaders in the industry tell all, Elizabeth Kase, Esq. and Hon. Jerry Kremer, from the law firm of Ruskin Moscou Faltischek.