Our Attorneys

James N. Chios

Of Counsel

Mr. James N. Chios served for more than 30 years in public service, the majority of his career with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Serving as Of Counsel at Ruskin Moscou Faltischek P.C., James’s practice focuses on Cybersecurity/Ubiquitous Technical Surveillance and White Collar Crime. A recognized authority in complex investigations, asset recovery, cyber issues and crisis management, Chios also provides regular insight on terrorism, criminal and intelligence related matters. He has extensive experience in understanding as well as investigating complex coordinated threats and crises on a global level. Mr. Chios led several FBI high profile investigations and classified programs as a Supervisory Special Agent in New York, Washington DC and at several US Embassies abroad. In this capacity Mr. Chios oversaw both criminal and national security investigations, as well as undercover and tactical operations, while actively working to thwart or proactively prevent threats against the homeland through a forward leaning synergistic approach combining the US Intelligence Community, DOD and our foreign partners. Mr. Chios also assisted in multi-agency initiatives and major response to threats against persons and property, while developing extensive liaison programs through outreach to entities in the public, private, academic and non-profit sectors, as well as with community groups.

Mr. Chios is also a partner of a strategic crisis management, intelligence and security advisory firm dedicated to helping clients, financially and physically, mitigate exposure and minimize loss by integrating technology with specialist knowledge, including human and deep source intelligence, by combining open source cyber and surveillance intelligence in order to address current and emerging threats to multinational corporations, governments, and non-governmental organizations as well as private individuals across four main areas: intelligence, national security and government engagement, cyber security, and critical infrastructure protection. In addition, Mr. Chios served in several overseas postings, representing the FBI while working with the US Intelligence Community, the Joint Special Operations Command and foreign partners in a leadership, liaison and on the tactical level to include but not limited to Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa, Asia, Central America, Europe and the Middle East.

A graduate of New York Institute of Technology, Hofstra Law School and several government programs, Chios’s government service began as a young Paratrooper. After Law School as a Deputy County Attorney for Nassau County, New York, and progressing to the position of Senior Staff Council to the Nassau County Legislature.